5 more weeks
35 more days
840 more hours
50400 more minutes
3024000 more seconds
tick tock; tick tock; tick tock; 12:00 AM.
a miracle has happened man!
my lappy can finally detect wireless again :D
and FOM presentation is OVERRRRRRRR!
wore skirt and heels. torture manzzz
right after that went to 'celebrate'
pizza hut-ed
den bowled at SPGG
next up is EC ppt...
tick tock; tick tock; tick tock; 11:39 PM.
tick tock; tick tock; tick tock; 8:22 PM.
lame person will be 'late' for sch for a lame reason
didnt slp the previous nite
so i was all ready to leave for sch earlier than normal
suppose to leave hse at 745
but i was ready by 730
so tot i catch a small nap
who knew?! when i woke up it was alr 1hr later!
but i still had to go SP to pass wenhao a disc =.=
den towned with the girls to buy formal wear
in the end only crystal bought hers
i only haven buy my top
after that went YCK to have sushi at ri ben chun with crystal and florr
lame alot
and we zuan dao sia..
we ate 18 plates but the person only typed in 8 plates
so 10 plates FREE :D
acc florr to nyp to wait for AC
den decided to meet charr at YCK stn
after receiving shocking news frm jh
tried to look for her.
den charr acc me to go shop for my top
at amkhub den np
in the end i bot my to at np at the same shop where i bot my bottom =.=
den left for home.
for more FOM!
tick tock; tick tock; tick tock; 11:15 PM.
"Don't let life discourage you;
everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was."
- Richard L. Evansthere's always a first time to everything
you never know if you can do it unless you try
ur refusal to try will only add on to other ppl's burden
im no encyclopedia; nor some instructions manual
im just human.
tick tock; tick tock; tick tock; 11:37 PM.
only maybe 30% better
if u noe wad i mean :D
tick tock; tick tock; tick tock; 1:40 AM.
FOM-ed at NP
BJ101 didnt allow us to do survey
so that made andrew came down all the way frm his place for nth
played a mini prank on crystal
damn funny
but damn evil oso
haha X)
shopped ard
WOO! bought a pair of heels for formal wear on wed
you should have seen the glee on my face when i found a pair that fits
i would have paid any price for any pair of decent looking shoe dat fits my feet
especially heels!
its lyk the prince have finally found his cinderella whose feet fits the glass heels
went to expo to look for jh, char and dann
den bused home
now that i noe its so easy for me to get to the airport,
anyone wants to go to the airport with me?
tick tock; tick tock; tick tock; 11:10 PM.
"Reconciliations are the cement of friendship. Therefore friends should quarrel to strengthen their attachment, and offend each other for the pleasure of being reconciled." - Maria Edgeworthwonders how true can this quote get.
cool questions eh?
:Drandom manzz
tick tock; tick tock; tick tock; 8:15 PM.
"You can be a sweet dream, or a beautiful nightmare."
YAY! IT'S FRIDAY :D :D :Dfor tdy,
damn slack lar
skipped pacc lecture
in bizit now updating blog
too tired everynite to have time to do so
not going for tkd later either
everytime doing the same pattern
so boring
FOM is shitzzz sia
nxt wed presentation alr
so much not done yet
still must wear formal somemore =.=
xinjie LAOPO asked me out for bball tdy at ij,
but end late so cmi :(
yesterdaybefore leaving for home
went moberly for bowling
no pictures.
played team
wenhao- florence
andrew- crystal
brandon- me
we were big winners yo!
for three rounds (:
florence and wenhao were supposed to treat us drinks.
where issit huh?!
haha :D
went moberly for K
during econs tutorial:
artwork of wenhaothere's another one drawn by wenhao and andrew
but its too obscene to be posted up here
another artpiece by florence:
the end :D
tick tock; tick tock; tick tock; 11:40 PM.
tick tock; tick tock; tick tock; 11:08 PM.
damn xian
i feel as tho i've been living subconsciously since dunno when
have a kit kat :D
i want to take a break!
who doesnt?
hold on to your words'cos talk is cheap
tick tock; tick tock; tick tock; 3:52 PM.
i should be sick of fast food for quite a long while.
for 12 consecutive days manzzz
can die
grading tmr (:
tick tock; tick tock; tick tock; 10:52 PM.
some photos from today (:
Love yourself. 'cos no one does it better- LOVE YOURSELF :Dgot this from a chain mail:
Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Forget about the ones who don't. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it. Friends are like balloons; once you let them go, you might not get them back. Sometimes we get so busy with our own lives and problems that we may not even notice that we've let them fly away. Sometimes we are so caught up in who's right and who's wrong that we forget what's right and wrong. Sometimes we just don't realize what real friendship means until it is too late. I don't want to let that happen so I'm gonna tie you to my heart so I never lose you. (: (: (: (:
tick tock; tick tock; tick tock; 11:59 PM.
went Moberly to sing K during break.
ASSHOLE didnt come sch tdy.
met up with her after sch at cwp to take back icebox
den shopped ard with that bulky thing =.=
yesterdayphoto with mascot for 'EXPOSED'
- pledge against online pornography
free balloons from
OoPs! by SP
tick tock; tick tock; tick tock; 9:08 PM.
nows-a-days i find it so
PATHETIC to stay at home.
update later (:
tick tock; tick tock; tick tock; 7:47 PM.
ME wants many many stuff right now:
MARINA BARRAGE for picnic with many many pee-pearl
shopping spreeeee, but before that gotta get my contact lens first and
SENTOSA for tanning and beach-ing
whole day out doing things we enjoy with that two
TALL ZHA BOR :Dthis is random, i think i want to go
ZOOOO ((:learn something
NEEEEWWWWrandomisation manzzz..
resulted frm boredness frm attempting econs hmwk and
having in mind what a long
TO-DO list i have.
but compared to those pee-pearl doing the
AYE-level paper this year,
im much better off i guess.
at least i can still blog and consider abt these things i want to do.
:Dignore me.
tick tock; tick tock; tick tock; 11:46 PM.
"Waiting for an egg to hatch that has nothing inside will get you nowhere."Life has been a bore
at least the exams are over last last week
and getting the results soon, this week.
for now,
it'll be rushing for datelines,
trning for
tkd grading and poomsae,and making sure i understand every lsn frm now
cos no hols for mugging b4 the next exams
and i've got to pull up that GPA of mine.
:D 54 more days to start of the next long hols.how optimistic!
I swear I tried to love thembut they only made me hate them even moreThey are most probably the only things I ever hated this much in my life.cant wait to be financially independent,successful, and living on my own.
tick tock; tick tock; tick tock; 10:15 PM.
this is damn cute
Facebookpicture maybe not clear enof
from left: Cheryl, Kelvin, Guoxi, Jiasheng, ME
lols :D
paper crane-ing out of boredom (:
tick tock; tick tock; tick tock; 11:24 PM.
yippy :D last paper tdy
stat's questions damn ex
distinction? hope so (:
off to do projs :((
ITAB's a confirmed goner
distinction for PACC?
there goes my distinction for econs :(
tick tock; tick tock; tick tock; 6:23 PM.
tick tock; tick tock; tick tock; 12:00 AM.